Hello all!
Volleyball registration for SJYAA, 2020 Red Cedar league is now open. The website (sjyaa.org) is in the process of getting updated so that info is from last year. I will include information needed for this season here in this email. If you have any questions please respond to this email. (clubnews@bluesombrero.com)
Teams are 4th-8th grade. Tryouts for 4-6th grades will be Sunday, January 26th from 6-7:30pm at St. Johns Middle School. At this time I will need all paper work turned in. All kids will be placed on a team there will be no cuts, the tryouts are to appropriately place skill levels. 7th and 8th graders do not need to attend tryouts, teams will be based on school season, paperwork should still be turned in by January 26th.
Practices will start the week of February 17th, practice nights and times will vary. Games will be the following weekends(either Saturday or Sunday): Feb 29/1, March 7/8, 14/15, 21/22. Each team will play 2 games and work 1 game per weekend. Tournament will be decided by team availability(possibly 4/4&5). Games will be located in St. Johns and surrounding communities.
The link to register is: http://tshq.bluesombrero.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions!
Kelly Hutchinson
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