Congratulations to the varsity tennis team on winning last night’s home Under the Lights Invitational! The Redwings will travel to Grand Ledge on Monday to take on the Comets. (Schedule) Go Redwings!
No. 1 – Caden Ojibway, ST. JOHNS def. Justin Trees, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 1 – Dave Verna, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL def. Andrew Hesslau, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 9-7 , -, -;
No. 1 – Caden Ojibway, ST. JOHNS def. Dave Verna, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 1 – Justin Trees, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Andrew Hesslau, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-2 , -, -;
No. 1 – Justin Trees, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Dave Verna, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-2 , -, -;
No. 1 – Caden Ojibway, ST. JOHNS def. Andrew Hesslau, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-1 , -, -;
No. 2 – Logan Nobach, ST. JOHNS def. Tyler Oliver, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 2 – Cooper Smith, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL def. Logan McKinney, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-5 , -, -;
No. 2 – Logan Nobach, ST. JOHNS def. Cooper Smith, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-1 , -, -;
No. 2 – Tyler Oliver, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Logan McKinney, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 2 – Tyler Oliver, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Cooper Smith, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-6 , -, -;
No. 2 – Logan Nobach, ST. JOHNS def. Logan McKinney, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 3 – Elijah Lake, ST. JOHNS def. Ben Diegel, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 3 – Ty Northrup, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL def. Jonas Ritchie, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 3 – Elijah Lake, ST. JOHNS def. Jonas Ritchie, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 3 – Ben Diegel, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Ty Northrup, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-4 , -, -;
No. 3 – Ben Diegel, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Jonas Ritchie, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 3 – Elijah Lake, ST. JOHNS def. Ty Northrup, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 4 – Grant Rustad, ST. JOHNS def. Ryan Walbeck, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 4 – Tobin Warren, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL def. Jonah Dollman-Jersey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-1 , -, -;
No. 4 – Grant Rustad, ST. JOHNS def. Jonah Dollman-Jersey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 4 – Ryan Walbeck, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Tobin Warren, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-5 , -, -;
No. 4 – Ryan Walbeck, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Jonah Dollman-Jersey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 4 – Grant Rustad, ST. JOHNS def. Tobin Warren, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-5 , -, -;
No. 1 – Jaxson Sillman, ST. JOHNS – Drew Alden, ST. JOHNS def. Tucker Dion, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Ryan Hautala, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 9-8 (10), -, -;
No. 1 – Isaac Gurnsey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Kalib Matthys, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL def. Benjamin Nichols, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Grayson Deane, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-2 , -, -;
No. 1 – Jaxson Sillman, ST. JOHNS – Drew Alden, ST. JOHNS def. Isaac Gurnsey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Kalib Matthys, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-4 , -, -;
No. 1 – Tucker Dion, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Ryan Hautala, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Benjamin Nichols, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Grayson Deane, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-1 , -, -;
No. 1 – Tucker Dion, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Ryan Hautala, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Isaac Gurnsey, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Kalib Matthys, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-6 , -, -;
No. 1 – Jaxson Sillman, ST. JOHNS – Drew Alden, ST. JOHNS def. Benjamin Nichols, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Grayson Deane, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 2 – Maddox Gaier, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Nathan Huynh, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Bryer Graham, ST. JOHNS – Marshall O’Malley, ST. JOHNS , 8-1 , -, -;
No. 2 – Zach Michelson, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Lance Sanchez, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL def. Rowan Alger, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Theodore Skyes, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 2 – Bryer Graham, ST. JOHNS – Marshall O’Malley, ST. JOHNS def. Zach Michelson, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Lance Sanchez, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-4 , -, -;
No. 2 – Maddox Gaier, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Nathan Huynh, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Rowan Alger, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Theodore Skyes, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 2 – Maddox Gaier, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Nathan Huynh, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Zach Michelson, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – Lance Sanchez, FENTON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8-3 , -, -;
No. 2 – Bryer Graham, ST. JOHNS – Marshall O’Malley, ST. JOHNS def. Rowan Alger, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Theodore Skyes, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-4 , -, -;
No. 3 – Nathan Klein, ST. JOHNS – Nolan Sanders, ST. JOHNS def. Colin Martin, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Hudsen Derengowski, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 3 – Colin Martin, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Hudsen Derengowski, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Joey Ortiz, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Peter Skyes, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-2 , -, -;
No. 3 – Nathan Klein, ST. JOHNS – Nolan Sanders, ST. JOHNS def. Joey Ortiz, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Peter Skyes, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-2 , -, -;
No. 4 – Adam Morris, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Quinn Pherson, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Evan Martinez, ST. JOHNS – Ethan Karber, ST. JOHNS , 8-1 , -, -;
No. 4 – Adam Morris, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL – Quinn Pherson, CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL def. Lennon Seagraves, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Christopher Day, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
No. 4 – Evan Martinez, ST. JOHNS – Ethan Karber, ST. JOHNS def. Lennon Seagraves, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL – Christopher Day, JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, 8-0 , -, -;
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