Need a homework project for your athlete? SJSportsPage.com is offering an essay contest for all St. Johns students. There is no specific word requirement but should be at least one page long for students 9 and over. The essay’s topic can be anything sports related with positive sports experiences. Each essay that is submitted will be published on our website and social media platforms! If possible, at least one photo should be submitted with the essay.
The deadline for entry is March 27th, but the earlier essays are received, the better chance they have of being featured. There will be a St. Johns Coach’s category as well.
There will be gift card prizes for winners in each group (with at least five entries submitted):
8 & Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-18 and Coaches.
*We will be running free local business ads at the bottom of each essay for those businesses who would like to highlight their carryout services, updated hours, etc. Send 600 x 500 ad to sjsportspage@gmail.com or ask us about designing something for you. If you would like to offer a gift card as a prize, please indicate that as well.
Lets go Redwings! Start working on those essays and submit them below.
Click here for our Spring Share Contest
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