Sea Lion Photos 1990’s – 2001

SJ Sports Page > Fall > Fall Sea Lions Swimming > Sea Lion Photos 1990’s – 2001


Before he coached the St. Johns Redwings swim and dive team for nearly 20 years, Coach Kim Brewbaker spent 10 years as the Head Coach of the St. Johns Sea Lions.  The Sea Lions were crowned Michigan Team Swim League State Champions in his final season with the team, 2001.

Earlier this year he shared these photos with us and we are proud to be able to have a platform to highlight and preserve the digitized images.  Photos include Coach Brewbaker’s notes, please excuse any misspellings.  Feel free to tag yourself or friends in the google photos album.

The group of swimmers and coaches pictured includes current Sea Lions coaches, current Redwing coaches, High School State Champions, Redwing Hall of Fame members and local Fallen Heroes.  We know there are several teachers, administrators and doctors in this group as well.  Swimmers we’d love to hear what your doing now in the comments section below.  We will post more of these photos on Instagram, so make sure to follow us there.  Go Redwings!  Go Sea Lions!

Sea Lions 2001 MTSL State Champions

1998 Boys 9-10 Mike Harden, Joe Parker, Anthony Guarnaccia, Joe Clark, Andrew Gunther, J. Wyskowski, Andrew Nelson

1998 11-12 Girls

Rich Brunner (Coach) Jeff Flermoen (HS 2 time State Champ) Randy Smith

1996 Taylor Motz, Molly Miller, Katelyn Childers, Bethany Baker

1994 Boys 13-14 State Champs Steve Green, Gregg Flermoen, Kyle Myers, Andy Murray, John Wells, Mike Porter


Complete Google Photos album

Coaches 2000 Kim Brewbaker, Lorrane Smith, Veronica Hallead & Don Porter

Paul Avery 1996 Doing a swim camp for Sea Lions

Swim Camp 96 Laurie Brewbaker & Lisa Anderson

1996 Tychele Turner, Katie Jansen, Cara Lowe, Terra Hulliberger, Lindsey Wyskowski, Jackie Kus, Jill Kus, ?, Jackie Zimmer

1996 Katie Miller, Jamie Patterson, Nicki Dominz, Mike Boettger, Robin Smith, Kerri Schueller, Lindsay Garrod, Laura Neuder

1996 Jamie Clark, Julie Neuder

1996 11-12 Boys ?, Andy Henning, Aaron Boettger, Andy Keilen, ?

1996 9-10 Boys Joe Clark, Wes Smith, Jake Wendling, Anthony Guarnaccia, Nick Page

1996 11-12 Girls Rachel Gunther, Talethia Pytlowanyj, Anglela Guarnaccia, Alycen Kus, Joanne Morgan, Kati Brewbaker

1996 13-14 Girls Alison Putnam, Laurie Brewbaker

1995 Mike Porter, Lindsay Kirk, Robin Smith

1995 Front Row: Laurie Brewbaker, Jill Kus, Robin Smith, Meghan Havlik Back Row: Lindsay Kirk, Erika Becker, Nicki Dominic, Melissa Keilen, Kerri Schueller, Mike Porter

1995 Laurie Brewbaker, Nicki Dominic, Erika Becker, Chris Porter

1995 Russel Page & Andy Keilen

1995 Andrew Gunther, Nick Page, Joey Clark, B. Keck, Anthony Guarnaccia

1995 Boys Jake Wendling, C.J. Page, Tyler Wyrzenski, Wes Smith, Wes Patterson

1995 Alycen Kus, Jackie Zimmer, Joanne Morgan, Katie Jansen, Angela Guarnaccia, Kerri Grubaugh

1995 Jackie Kus, Jill Kus, Cara Lowe, ?, Terra Hulliberger

1995 Ryan Grubaugh, Kerri Grubaugh, Meghan Havlik, Lindsay Porter

1995 Jamie Clark, Talethia Pytlowanj, Lisa Anderson, Shannon Becker, Alison Putnam, Katie Brewbaker, Lindsay Garrod

1994 Anthony Guarnaccia, Andrew Gunther….

1994 15-18 Girls Courtney Webb, Amanda Putnam, Michelle Grubaugh, Amber Glinke

1994 Girls 13-14 State Champs Meghan Havlik, Kerri Schueller, Melissa Keilen, Robin Smith, Nicki Dominic, Katie Martin, Mandi Brunner, Lindsey Kirk

Sea Lions Coaches (L to R) Kim Brewbaker, Don Porter, Cathy Smith, Randy Smith, Rich Brunner (1993)

1993 Lindsay Kirk (13-14 girls Swimmer of Year) Laurie Brewbaker (11-12 girls Swimmer of Year)

1993 Mandy Burnner, Laurie Brewbaker, Erica Becker

State Champs – & 10 Boys Randy Smith, Rich Brunner, Andrew Boettger, Kim Brewbaker, Ryan Grubaugh, Aaron Boettger, Andy Keilen

Randy Smith, Kim Brewbaker & Kati Brewbaker

11-12 Girls 1994 Lindsay Garrod, Nicki Dominic, Alison Putnam, Shannon Becker, Laurie Brewbaker

13-14 Boys Joe Anderson, Aaron Davis, Mike Porter, Curtis Prohaska & Josh Wells

13-14 Girls 1994 Kerri Schueller, Lindsey Kirk, Meghan Havlik, Mandi Brunner

8&Under Girls 1994 Jill Kos, Terra Hulliberger, Cara Lowe, ?, Katie Janson

1994 Mike Porter & Melissa Keilen

1994 9-10 Girls Lindsey Porter, Angela Guarnaccia, Lindsay ?, Kati Brewbaker & Talethia Pytolowanyj

Coaches 1994 Kim Brewbaker, Rich Brunner, Don Porter

1996 Brad Neuder, Nick Neveau, Jake Wendling

2000 15-18 Katie Miller, Jamie Patterson, Laurie Brewbaker, Laura Neuder, Allison Putnam, Hannah Prohaska, Lindsay Garrod

13-14 Girls 2000 Kati Brewbaker, Cierra Greene, Heather Klassen, Katie Rice, Ashey Ledergerber, Kardine Eisler, Jen Minott, Joenne Morgan, Danielle Thomas

13-14 Boys 2000 Andy Keilen, Brad Neuder, Mark Weismiller

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