Youth Baseball Association Announces Fall Recreational League

SJ Sports Page > Summer > Youth Baseball > Youth Baseball Association Announces Fall Recreational League
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The St. Johns Youth Baseball Association has announced plans for a Fall Recreational League in St. Johns.  Details of the baseball and softball league can be found in the letter sent out to parents below and on the SJYBA website.

The SJSportsPage is excited to catch all the action this fall and cover this bonus season.  Coaches and parents are encouraged to send scores, updates and photos to to be featured on our website and social media channels.  All the games will be added to our Sports Calendar when they are updated.  Go Redwings!



After receiving a lot of positive feedback for a fall recreational league, SJYBA is opening  up a fall recreational league registration.   The league will consist of 2-3 games/week. All games will be located in St. Johns with a  starting date of September 14. It will last 3-4 weeks total. We are planning for a 6 game season. We may have to combine divisions, depending on  the number of participants.

Games will be played on Monday, Wednesday, and possibly Friday. 

SJYBA will not be providing uniforms or hats for fall league. Players that played summer leagues can wear their summer uniforms. 

Registration is open Now-September 9th

SJYBA fall league cost:

Pony $50.00

Major softball $50.00

Bronco $50.00

Minor $50.00

Pewee/tball mix $30.00


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