SJYAA Basketball

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SJYAA Basketball

SJYAA is opening 3rd-6th grade boys and girls basketball registration for session #1. Cost for session 1 is 50.00 per player. This includes 2 days per week practice/games and 1 tournament.

The season will start the first week of November. This involves playing 3vs3 FIBA style basketball and 5vs5 basketball done in-house. Games and practices will be combined during the week along with 1-2 tournaments each session on the weekend. We will be offering two basketball sessions. Basketball players can play 1 or both sessions.

Session #1 will be Nov/Dec and session #2 will be Jan/Feb. Cost for session 1 is 50.00 per player. Playing in the weekend tournaments is not required, if players just want to play the in-house games and do not want to travel.

SJYAA plans to run K-2nd basketball starting in December and ending in January. We are working through the logistics to make this season happen. We will send out details and open registration for K-2nd in November.

SJYAA Basketball

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