SJSC – Spring Season Update – 04/07/2020

SJ Sports Page > Spring > Spring St. Johns Soccer Club > SJSC – Spring Season Update – 04/07/2020
St. Johns Soccer Club, St. Johns Michigan youth soccer.


Hello Everyone,

The St. Johns Soccer Club (SJSC) is waiting to hear from the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), which is the Governing body to our Capital Area Soccer league (CASL).  They have not cancelled the Spring season as of yet. 

I have a hard time believing they will continue with the Spring season, and we believe that that since clubs have already paid registrations, allocated funds for ref fees, paid insurance premiums and such, that player registrations will just move forward for the Fall 2020 season.  So, if you had a player registered for the Spring 2020 season, they will be registered for the Fall 2020 season without having to forgo June 2020 tryouts, if the Spring season is cancelled.

That is as much as I know right now.  CASL sent out a questionnaire to all the CASL Community Reps asking for input.  I am in favor of playing a shortened spring season if government rules allow, otherwise we start to plan for the Fall 2020 season.

Sorry I don’t have more concrete information, but I truly believe that playing soccer at some time later this Spring/Summer would be a great opportunity for our kids to come out and celebrate a return to normalcy as we used to know it.  On the other hand, our players and families safety is of the utmost importance. I do not want to place anybody at risk. 

I was told that sometime next week, CASL will be communicating a direction forward, so I am hopeful at best!  I dearly miss all the players and parents and the SJSC will continue to move our facility forward in preparation for a possible late spring season so it’s ready if given a green light.


Thank you,

Randy Padgett

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