Sea Lions Seek Swim Coaches

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The St. Johns Sea Lions are looking for one or more coaches to help with the 2020 Fall and 2021 Winter Sessions.  Covid 19 safety procedures have limited the number of swimmers in the pool, but that has also doubled the amount of time coaches are needed.  Swimmers are also now starting at both ends of the pool for distancing purposes, which also requires more supervision and coaching as well.

This is paid/hourly position.  Practices run each weekday from 6:00 to 8:30 pm (6:00-7:00 session and 7:00 – 8:30 session). Coaches may be needed to coach one or more days each week, depending on their availability.  Swimmers range from 7 to 18 years old with Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Elite groups.  Some meet travel time may be needed, depending on season competition opportunities.

Swim coaching experience is a plus but not required.  The Sea Lions have a great staff in place and new coaches can learn and train as they go.  A competitive swimming background and or lifeguard trainings are also helpful but not a requirement.

The Sea Lions have been in St. Johns since 1976.  In recent years there has been significant growth and they are seeking individuals who would like to learn and grow with the team.  If you are intersted, please contact Head Coach, Andy Murray at this email address


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