Presented by: Deano’s Pizzeria ,Jackson and Hayes P.C., Sports Stop, Pauli Ford, Kari Dickenson – Remax, Fab Five Design, Avery Eye Care ,Your Hearing Solution and The Emerald Golf Course.
The JV Girls Tennis team finished the 2019 season with a perfect record of 13-0. Since the 2020 season was cancelled due to Covid, the upcoming spring season will be their first chance to get back to competing. Thank you to Coach Swab for sharing these photos and good luck to this years team. Go Redwings!
Coach Swab is sending love and luck to all tennis players as they head into the Spring season soon. She will be off on maternity leave this season with baby #2 on the way, but will be cheering them on from home.
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Related Links:
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Video Interview – Hannah Spitzley, Ashlee and Stacie Smith
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