Redwings Fly into the Win Column at Swartz Creek

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St Johns Redwings Swim Dive


The Redwings improved to 1-1 on the season with a win over Swartz Creek Tuesday night.  Highlights included wins in the 200 Medley Relay, Preston Longoria and Brayden Hirschman going 1-2 in the 200 & 500 Free, Koy Grams winning the 200 IM and 100 breaststroke, Parker Beebee winning the 1 mtr diving,  Max Leasher winning the 100 butterfly, Shane Van Able winning the 100 Free and 100 backstroke and a 1-2 finish in the 400 Free Relay!

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St. Johns at Swartz Creek – 1/18/2022

Event 1 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Swartz Creek / Flushing-MI ‘A’ 1:59.11 1:54.05 6
1) Novak, Camden 2) Dennis, Ethan
3) Montpas, Draven 4) Hect, Alex
30.22 31.43 27.03 25.37
1 St Johns Highschool-D3 ‘A’ 1:54.05 6
1) Van Abel, Shane 2) Grams, Koy
3) Leasher, Max 4) Hirschman, Brayden P 14
28.29 25.06
3 Swartz Creek / Flushing-MI ‘B’ NT 2:05.23 2
1) Holtz, Evan 2) Atkinson, Weston
3) Bedell, Jon 4) Turner, Jack
32.98 35.62 30.39 26.24

Event 2 Men 200 Yard Freestyle
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Longoria, Preston STJN-D3 2:05.72 6
29.28 31.13 32.58 32.73
2 Hirschman, Brayden 14 STJN-D3 2:08.30 4
30.08 31.78 33.24 33.20
3 Wells, Caden SCF-MI 2:17.59 2:19.25 3
30.10 33.93 36.93 38.29
4 Cassavoy, Connor SCF-MI 2:22.38 2:24.36 2
31.04 36.01 38.51 38.80
5 Brown, Ethan SCF-MI 2:26.53 2:24.44 1
31.42 36.93 39.54 36.55

Event 3 Men 200 Yard IM
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Grams, Koy STJN-D3 2:21.07 6
29.12 36.38 42.00 33.57
2 Montpas, Draven SCF-MI NT 2:27.89 4
30.31 38.40 45.46 33.72
3 Luce, Sebastian STJN-D3 NT 2:31.80 3
30.11 38.12 49.63 33.94
4 Holtz, Evan SCF-MI 2:35.48 2:40.26 2
33.44 38.87 49.75 38.20
— Novak, Camden SCF-MI NT DQ
37.77 38.76 15.94

Event 4 Men 50 Yard Freestyle
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Dennis, Ethan SCF-MI 25.99 25.63 6
2 Leasher, Max STJN-D3 25.79 4
3 Gibson, Ethan STJN-D3 NT 25.91 3
4 Turner, Jack SCF-MI 27.62 27.20 2
5 Fromson, Josh A 14 STJN-D3 29.23 1
6 Adkins, Karter SCF-MI 37.65 34.35
— Glew, Jacob STJN-D3 NT X31.53
— Davis, James C 15 STJN-D3 X31.79
— Nunez, Misha STJN-D3 NT X34.60
— Sandor, Eric SCF-MI 36.97 X35.86

Event 5 Men 1 mtr Diving
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Beebee, Parker STJN-D3 NP 149.55 6

Event 6 Men 100 Yard Butterfly
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Leasher, Max STJN-D3 1:03.87 6
2 Montpas, Draven SCF-MI 1:02.34 1:04.32 4
3 Bedell, Jon SCF-MI 1:18.78 1:16.01 3
4 Evan, Holtz SCF-MI NT 1:23.64 2
— Atkinson, Weston SCF-MI NT X1:33.39

Event 7 Men 100 Yard Freestyle
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Van Abel, Shane STJN-D3 55.43 6
26.60 28.83
2 Hect, Alex SCF-MI 59.43 58.28 4
27.73 30.55
3 Wells, Caden SCF-MI 1:00.50 59.19 3
28.44 30.75
4 Cassavoy, Connor SCF-MI 59.06 59.86 2
28.71 31.15
5 Davis, James C 15 STJN-D3 1:11.83 1
33.74 38.09
6 Glew, Jacob STJN-D3 NT 1:13.18
34.70 38.48
— Sandor, Eric SCF-MI 1:35.56 X1:22.54
38.33 44.21

Event 8 Men 500 Yard Freestyle
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Longoria, Preston STJN-D3 5:41.82 6
30.25 33.33 34.25 35.23 35.25 35.19 35.84 35.12
34.59 32.77
2 Hirschman, Brayden 14 STJN-D3 NT 5:42.17 4
29.87 32.91 34.80 35.75 35.68 35.71 35.09 35.27
34.71 32.38
3 Bedell, Jon SCF-MI 7:02.42 6:49.30 3
33.98 38.81 40.50 41.82 42.41 42.10 43.85 43.01
42.49 40.33
4 Brown, Ethan SCF-MI NT 6:50.91 2
35.90 40.53 42.46 42.15 42.29 42.20 42.61 43.49
42.78 36.50

Event 9 Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Swartz Creek / Flushing-MI ‘A’ 1:45.36 1:45.29 8
1) Dennis, Ethan 2) Cassavoy, Connor
3) Montpas, Draven 4) Wells, Caden
25.71 26.68 25.93 26.97
2 St Johns Highschool-D3 ‘A’ 1:46.62 4
1) Gibson, Ethan 2) Luce, Sebastian
3) Fromson, Josh A 14 4) Longoria, Preston
26.15 25.85 28.16 26.46
3 Swartz Creek / Flushing-MI ‘B’ NT 1:58.50 2
1) Turner, Jack 2) Holtz, Evan
3) Adkins, Karter 4) Brown, Ethan
27.65 34.86 27.80 28.19
— St Johns Highschool-D3 ‘B’ NT X2:08.56
1) Glew, Jacob 2) Prince, Zac
3) Beebee, Parker 4) Davis, James C 15
31.86 31.28 32.99 32.43

Event 10 Men 100 Yard Backstroke
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Van Abel, Shane STJN-D3 1:04.79 6
31.24 33.55
2 Novak, Camden SCF-MI 1:06.63 1:05.22 4
30.80 34.42
3 Luce, Sebastian STJN-D3 1:08.36 3
33.06 35.30
4 Hect, Alex SCF-MI 1:19.86 1:16.82 2
36.58 40.24
5 Adkins, Karter SCF-MI 1:42.71 1:39.64 1
48.30 51.34

Event 11 Men 100 Yard Breaststroke
Name Age School Seed Finals Points
1 Grams, Koy STJN-D3 1:09.66 6
31.98 37.68
2 Dennis, Ethan SCF-MI 1:15.61 1:14.55 4
34.97 39.58
3 Turner, Jack SCF-MI 1:20.47 1:16.73 3
36.19 40.54
4 Atkinson, Weston SCF-MI 1:23.73 1:20.35 2
37.22 43.13
5 Fromson, Josh A 14 STJN-D3 NT 1:30.66 1
40.70 49.96

Event 12 Men 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 St Johns Highschool-D3 ‘A’ 3:54.03 8
1) Van Abel, Shane 2) Hirschman, Brayden P 14
3) Leasher, Max 4) Grams, Koy
28.17 1:00.87 28.26 58.77 27.08 56.61 27.01 57.78
2 St Johns Highschool-D3 ‘B’ NT 4:13.11 4
1) Fromson, Josh A 14 2) Longoria, Preston
3) Luce, Sebastian 4) Gibson, Ethan
35.00 1:15.79 28.06 59.20 29.65 1:01.95 26.67 56.17
3 Swartz Creek / Flushing-MI ‘A’ 4:20.60 4:14.19 2
1) Wells, Caden 2) Cassavoy, Connor
3) Hect, Alex 4) Novak, Camden
30.15 1:03.75 28.33 1:00.09 30.79 1:05.76 30.65 1:04.59

Combined Team Scores – Through Event 12

1. St Johns Highschool 94 2. Swartz Creek / Flushing 79

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