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2019-2020 Boys Swim & Dive Banquet

April 19, 2020

The boys 2019 – 2020 Boys Swim and Dive season was cut just short, without a chance to see diver Samuel Hudgens compete in the State Meet or a chance to complete the season with the Awards Banquet.  Thanks to Coach’s Brewbaker, Childers, Sperry and Smith we all get an inside look at their…

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Sports Essay – Addie Somers (18)

April 14, 2020

Hi, my name is Addie Somers and I am/was a cross country and track runner for SJ high school. My story starts all the way back to 9th grade. My first year I was extremely successful in XC, was second on the team, made it to states with the team. Right after my season…

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Overcoming Obstacles

April 12, 2020

Overcoming Obstacles By Alyssa Lennemann (Photo Credit GAR Photography, Frazzini Photography) It was a rainy March day. Tryouts were happening all week and day by day I worked harder to prove myself. Soccer was my only sport, and making the team meant everything. The last day of tryouts had arrived. Coach began calling each…

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SJSC – Spring Season Update – 04/07/2020

April 7, 2020

Hello Everyone, The St. Johns Soccer Club (SJSC) is waiting to hear from the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), which is the Governing body to our Capital Area Soccer league (CASL).  They have not cancelled the Spring season as of yet.  I have a hard time believing they will continue with the Spring season,…

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Sports Essay – Archer Gurski (10)

March 28, 2020

When I Broke My Hand During Baseball Season: One day in 3rd grade, it was the third to last day of the school year, I was in gym class and we were playing dodge-ball, when I threw the ball, and hit my hand on the bleachers! My hand was in so much pain! After…

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Sports Essay – Parker Beebee (13)

March 27, 2020

My name is Parker Beebee, and soccer has always been the sport that has brought me the most joy. Specifically, I love to be my team’s goalkeeper. I am in 8th Grade currently, play for SJSC, and plan to try out for the St. John’s High School Boys Soccer team in the upcoming fall…

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Sports Essay – Donovan Quinn (10)

March 26, 2020

Was It All Worth It? Are wrestlers everywhere wondering, was it worth it? Was it worth practicing every day and going to tournaments every Weekend all wrestling season, if not longer, only to find out that the State Championship might be canceled?  And even if they are just rescheduled, all the wrestling practice rooms…

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Sports Essay – Ty Wardin (12)

March 25, 2020

MY POSITIVE SPORTS EXPERIENCES By Ty Wardin I have played a lot of sports in the past and play a lot now. Right now I play basketball, baseball, and cross country. I enjoy all of them a lot. But to name a positive experience? There are way too many to count. I will name…

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Sports Essay – Dru Fillwock (4)

March 23, 2020

Dru Fillwock: Age 4 Dru: Age 4 Q: What is your favorite sport?  A: Gymnastics Q: Can you tell me a story about gymnastics?  A: Yes, that one time that I went gymnastics and  it was my first time I was scared. But I haven’t done it for a while. One time I was…

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Baseball and Softball update

March 22, 2020

Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak at this time, we will be suspending the MMPL scheduling meeting in which all spring travel baseball games are scheduled.  We are taking a wait and see approach to the season and will continue to communicate as we hear from our sponsoring association, MMPL.  The health and safety…

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Sports Essay – Stella Musser (8)

March 21, 2020

Stella Musser: Age 8   Support Local  

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Sports Essay – Tyler Fillwock (6)

March 20, 2020

Ty Fillwock: Age 6 Q: What is your favorite sport? A: Wrestling Q: Can you tell me a story that you remember about wrestling? A: So I went to my first wrestling match. My first wrestling match was experience for me for getting pinned by that guy.  Q: What did you learn from that? …

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