Hello Everyone,
Those that are already playing session #1 have been updated, but I wanted to let all the others know the current status of indoor soccer as it stands right now with the current COVID rules we are following.
We are halfway through session #1 and waiting for Soccer Zone to open back up to finish up the session. For session #2, I moved the deadline to register out to December 12th, provided that on the 8th we get good news and can restart our activities. If session #2 is impacted, then I will move everything slatted for Session #2 to Session #3.
I would like to let everyone know that Soccer Zone has been doing a stellar job of following the COVID rules and has a very well developed plan and staff that is doing a great job of making their facility as safe as possible during these times.
I will let everyone know more as I receive it.
Stay safe, make smart choices and I hope to see everyone on the indoor pitch as soon as possible.
Randy Padgett
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