City of St. Johns Open Swim Starts Tonight!

SJ Sports Page > Featured > City of St. Johns Open Swim Starts Tonight!


Boys And Girls With Their Feet In The PoolOpen swim starts tonight!

Winter Open Swim
Open Swim sessions are on Fridays beginning Jan. 7 from 6:30-8:00pm at the St. Johns High School Pool. Please access the pool through the school’s Activities Entrance. You can also pay per visit at the door. To save time at the pool please print off and fill out the registration form below and bring it to open swim.


Adults: $4
Youth: $3
Family visit pass: $12

Assisted swimmers (floaties, life jackets, etc…) must have an adult with them in the pool.

Please fill out the form below and bring to the pool or visit the city’s website:


Visit the City of St. Johns Recreation Department for forms and more information.

Visit the SJSportsPage Calendar for Open Swim and other community sporting events.

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