Baseball (HS)

Baseball (HS)

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Redwing Baseball Results

February 16, 2022

READ THE LATEST BASEBALL UPDATES presented by: 2023 Varsity Baseball Schedule/Results (16-6) Schedules subject to change.  For official schedules, visit the HS Athletic Website Here.  Submit scores Here. (A) 04/06/23 vs Grand Ledge Cancelled (A) 04/010/23 vs Dewitt (L 5-1) (W 8-2) (H) 04/13/23 vs Holt (W 16-11) (W 4-1) (H) 04/15/23 REDWING INVITATIONAL vs…

Redwings Named To Dream Team and All Area Baseball Team

July 24, 2021

Congratulations to Redwing Logan Keilen, who was named to the Greater Lansing All Area Baseball Dream Team! Congratulations to Redwings Logan Dunham, Brody Kusnier, Landon Mikula and Alex Owen for being named to the All Area Team! LSJ subscribers can read the full article here. Eight Redwings Selected to ALL CONFERENCE TEAM Photo credit: Josh Ortman,…

Eight Redwings Selected to ALL CONFERENCE TEAM

July 15, 2021

Congratulations to the Redwings selected to the 2020-21 CAAC Red Baseball ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM! Photo credit: Josh Ortman, Ortman Production.  See all the pictures from St. Johns Sports and Events at:

Redwings vs Vikings Box Scores

May 5, 2021

The Redwings varsity baseball team traveled to Haslett on Tuesday and picked up two big wins, moving to 8-7 on the season!  The JV A team took on Haslett at home and also came away with the sweep, 8-3, 10-9.  Great job Redwings!  Next up, Portland on Thursday. Game 1 via 1 2 3…

Varsity Softball and Baseball Get First Wins of Season!

April 8, 2021

It was the opening night for Girls Softball!  The girls traveled to Fowler tonight and came away with a 1-1 split.  In the first game the Redwings held a 8-7 lead in the final inning, only to see a two run walk off hit by Fowler take the game.  Game two was back and forth,…

Hunter Wylie video image rodeo State Finals

Hunter Wylie – Video Interview

December 30, 2020

Presented by: Jackson, Jackson and Hayes P.C., Sports Stop, Pauli Ford, Avery Eye Care and Deano’s Pizzeria.   Hunter Wylie is a sophomore at St. Johns High School who represents St. Johns in the Michigan High School Rodeo Association.  Earlier this summer, Hunter and his partner won the second go around of the team roping…