Athlete Interview – Ty and Cole Wardin

SJ Sports Page > Fall > Fall Middle School Sports > Cross Country (MS) > Athlete Interview – Ty and Cole Wardin
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Top 50 Boys MS Cross Country Times

Ty and Cole Wardin are twins who ran cross country for the last three seasons at St. Johns Middle School.  Both were able to crack the Top 50 all time list this year and we’re excited they took the time to talk with us today.  Go Redwings!

How did this 8th grade season go for you and how was it different than the last two seasons?

Ty:  I thought this 8th grade season went pretty well. It was very different because we only ran against one or two teams, and that definitely changed how you placed, and who was pushing you.

Cole:  This 8th grade season was fun, but very very different. There was a considerable decrease of members this year for sure, and we had to wear masks at the start of practice. The one that was the most hard for me, and probably most of the team, is that for two practices, we didn’t even know if we were going to have a season. Once we had a season, we didn’t know if we would even have meets! It was strange, and we didn’t like it, but we’re glad we got to have a season in the end.

Although there were fewer meets this year, was there one that was your favorite?

Cole:  Yes. The top ten meet at the end was so fun, because the top ten runners of each team were the only ones who were running. We could have way more teams here and more people to compete with. Also the course we ran was the home meet which most of us know by heart. It was the end where it all paid off.

Ty:  My favorite meet was our last meet at home. I loved that we got to host such a big meet with so many people racing and cheering us on.

Even though it was different, how did your coaches make the year fun?

Ty:  We still did the fun things that we usually do, like the shoe toss or a rock paper scissors tournament. Mohre and McCastle were great and really helped make the season seem as normal as possible.

Cole:  We would do different things like the rock paper scissors tournament and the shoe toss and prizes. Even through all of the rules we have to follow, cross country is always fun with our coaches, Mr. Mohre and Mrs. McCastle.

What is it about running that you enjoy?

Cole:  I think it’s the competition. When you look at a kid that’s in cross country and he’s six foot four and has huge muscles, he will most likely be beaten by a really skinny kid. It’s all about endurance. Muscles have something to do with it, but if you’re willing to go the extra mile, no pun unintended, it will pay off.

Ty:  I love the feeling at the end of the race when you know that you just ran as fast as you could and did well. It always makes me happy.

Do you play any other sports? Does cross country improve your performance in that sport?

Ty Wardin #2

Ty:  I also play basketball, baseball, and swimming. I actually think cross country is the sport that helps me do better in sports, because you need to have the endurance to run in many other sports.|

Cole Wardin (middle) with brothers Ty (left) and Max (right) at Sea Lions practice.

Cole:  Yes I play basketball and baseball, both of which have plenty of running in them. Cross country really helps, whether it’s running down the court or around the bases, it always pays off. I also just started swimming with Sea Lions this year.

Who are your role models in running?

Cole:  I think the kids before me in earlier years. You look at the times they got in eighth grade, and you want to get those times too. St Johns has all the records of the runners, and it really helps you run even better.

Ty:  Dean Karnazes. I read his book Ultramarathon Man, and it is one of my favorite books of all time.

Do you have teammates that make you better or run faster?

Cole: A teammate that makes me run faster is probably my brother. I try to keep him in sight when I run and sometimes I beat him. 🙂

Ty:  Cole is actually the person who pushes me the most in meets.

What one characteristic (other than speed or strength) makes you successful at Cross Country?

Ty:  Determination. You can’t run well without it. I believe you need the mindset to say that you will cross that finish line and you won’t stop.

Cole:  Endurance. Endurance is going to get you that time that you want. If you are a really strong track star and you don’t have endurance, you aren’t going to do well in cross country. It’s really as simple as that. You need to have endurance.

What do you do for fun when you’re not running?

Cole:  I really like working on the farm. It’s so fun seeing the cows, and I know it’s an experience that most people don’t get to have. I also like to make art projects, mostly for my extended family at holidays.

Ty:  I love to play other sports, and I also like to play music. I play guitar, piano, ukulele, and trumpet.

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