020 SJYBA Fall Rec. Team Formation Practice
We will have practices in every division this evening 9/16/20 at Feldpausch Fields. If You have not registered and interested in playing please go to the table on the south end of the clubhouse. |
Wednesday 9/16 SJYBA Fall Rec Team Placement & Practice
Field A 6:00-7:30 Boys Minor Field B 6:00-7:30 Boys Pony & Bronco Field C 6:00-7:30 Boys Peewee/T-Ball Field D 6:00-7:30 Girls Peewee/T-ball Field E 6:00-7:30 Girls Minor & Major
IF UNABLE TO ATTEND PLEASE EMAIL NAME AND AGE GROUP to: sjybarec@gmail.com Coaches that Signed up to help or interested in helping please meet at the clubhouse at 5:45, to receive equipment. |
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